As a valued EmeraldEXPLORER loyalty member, we are delighted to give you access to exclusive offers.

Cruise in style on one of our luxury yachts or Star-Ships in Europe or Southeast Asia and enjoy these EmeraldEXPLORER exclusive member offers, which are combinable with existing offers*. Contact your travel advisor now or call 0800 004 494, quoting the code to unlock the offers.

We look forward to welcoming you on board again soon!

Exclusive Offers

Your savings can be combined with existing offers. 

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*Terms and Conditions

General information and special offer conditions. Please read carefully before booking. Only available to EmeraldEXPLORER loyalty members.

Save an extra $350pp on Canada and Alaska 2025: Save $350 per person is only valid on new EmeraldEXPLORER bookings on any Canada and Alaska departure between April to October in 2025. Must quote code EXP2501 at time of booking for offer to apply. Must be booked by 31 March 2025. Offer is combinable with Super Savings and Classic Savings offers.

Save an extra $350pp on France River Cruises 2025: Save $350 per person is only valid on new EmeraldEXPLORER bookings on any France River Cruise departure between April to October in 2025. Must quote code EXP2502 at time of booking for offer to apply. Must be booked by 31 March 2025. Offer is combinable with Super Savings and Classic Savings offers.

Save an extra $350pp on Portugal River Cruises 2025: Save $350 per person is only valid on new EmeraldEXPLORER bookings on any Portugal River Cruise departure between March to December in 2025. Must quote code EXP2503 at time of booking for offer to apply. Must be booked by 31 March 2025. Offer is combinable with Super Savings and Classic Savings offers.

Save an extra $350pp on selected Luxury Yacht Cruises 2025: Save $350 per person is only valid on new EmeraldEXPLORER bookings on  8 Day Catalonia to Andalusia (E17M) and 8 Day Exploring the Balearic Islands with Ibiza (E18M) departure in October 2025. Must quote code EXP2504 at time of booking for offer to apply. Must be booked by 31 March 2025. Offer is combinable with Super Earlybird and Earlybird offers.

Savings and offers: Information and availability correct at 16/01/25 and subject to change. Emerald Cruises (a division of Scenic Tours Pty Ltd). NZN 9 249 038 484 117.

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